We all have 4 basic needs Bread, Cloth, House and Respect. You cannot seek these things from anyone for free, only you can earn money by do a job or business and from money you can buy these things. From a long time a debate is running, which is best job or business? Everyone have a right to choose job or business. "Some says job may only give you a simple life, if you want to live luxurious life then you will have to do business." What you think this is right or not? For some this is right and for some this is not. Because everyone in this world have different-different thought process, if anyone thinks that he/she will do job and will live a simple and satisfied life. You may not say that he/she is not right, in their thought they are right.
Should I do business?
Yes, you shoud do business, generate a higher income and live a good standard of life. If you do business then you create employement. In modern times, making employement and give jobs to needy person is the good social work.
Will I not do business, if I have not a degree?
No, you can do business without yours degree, because business doesn't see your degree or education, if you have knowledge of marketing and startups and monopoly and you are a intelligent person, you know how to create money by investing money, then you can do business.